

Case study:

Energy rates

400 % less

Energy costs cut by


Supporting the business


“Flame have supported us through this turbulent period within the Energy sector. We have an aligned contract with one supplier, one bill and an account manager that validates our accurate bills. Highly recommend.”

Case Studies

Reducing the costs of energy in the construction sector

Support with temporary metering and finding the best energy rates.

One of the UK’s leading offsite building solution providers contacted us for support.

After their previous energy suppliers failed, our team of energy experts stepped in to help them keep this construction company’s costs down, saving them over £1 million.

Working in construction often involves lots of temporary meters which can lead to high costs, something one of our customers had to deal with. Their previous company left the construction firm with unit rates over 400% higher than their current contract. This went live in February and was due to stay until 2026.

Our dedicated team of experts were able to work with our network of approved suppliers to help the construction company find contracts that were more reasonable and within their budget. We were able to negotiate a new deal to allow them to keep the rates that were already on their accounts. We were able to save the company over £1 million through doing this, helping them to get back to focusing on the important stuff.


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Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about how we could improve your Energy management.

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