

How to reduce your gym’s energy usage

A woman running on a treadmill in a gym

Why is a gym’s energy usage so high?

To make life more convenient for members, most gyms operate on a 24/7 opening time to make it as easy as possible for their members to squeeze a workout in. However, this can often lead to incredibly high usage. With hundreds of different pieces of equipment, showers, lighting, and music, it’s likely that there will always be some form of electronic item turned on.

While energy prices are starting to decrease, high rates are still common. Back in winter, Nuffield Health told ITV that they were turning off 72 spa pools until Spring to cut back on their energy bills. Better Gyms also said they would be lowering their pool temperatures by 1C on average in each site to cut down their bills. This combination of high rates and high usage has the potential to be a problem for gyms up and down the country.

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How can you reduce your gym’s energy usage?

There are lots of changes that you can implement to cut down on your gym’s energy usage.

Switch to motion sensor lighting

If you’re open 25/7 but your members are using the gym less at certain times, you could have lights switched on when you don’t need them to be. Can you switch to motion sensor lighting in your changing rooms or your staff offices? This could be an easy switch, making sure that you’re not using energy when you don’t need to be. By preventing any unnecessary energy consumption, you can cut down on your gym’s energy bills.

Someone running on a treadmill in a gym
Treadmills, exercise bikes and a weightlifting machine in a gym

Change your gym’s layout

If you have quieter periods during your gym’s operations, a reshuffle of the equipment could help you cut down on your usage and energy bills. Could you move some of the equipment into a different area of the gym and turn these machines off during off peak hours? You’ll need to find the balance between keeping members happy and reducing your usage, so you can’t switch all your equipment off. However, having a small area that you can switch off instead of leave on standby could help you reduce your usage.

Re-evaluate your gym’s equipment

It’s also a good idea to look into your equipment. Older equipment will take more energy to run than newer, frequently maintained equipment. Switching all of your equipment could be costly if done all at once. So, could you slowly swap out some of the most popular equipment to one that uses less energy to run? This means that the equipment used constantly isn’t consuming as much energy as before. You could even swap to equipment that generates energy for you. SportArt launched a treadmill that can generate up to 200 watts of electricity per hour. They estimate that a circuit of ten machines could save a gym £1,300 a year.

Check your heating systems

With long opening hours, it can be easy for the bills to build up. Therefore, checking your HVAC systems could be an easy way to cut down on your gym’s energy usage. Ensuring that your HVAC systems undergo regular maintenance to ensure that they’re working correctly. If not, they could be working harder than they need to when regulating your gym’s temperature. This is another way of making sure that you’re only using energy when you absolutely need to.

Contact us

Want help reducing your gym’s energy bills? Our team of experts at Flame Energy have extensive industry knowledge to help your business manage its energy and water more efficiently. Contact our team of experts today to find out more about how we can support your business.

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