

Water Saving Week: What are the benefits?

Water in the ocean

Cut down on your water bills

The first and probably most important benefit that comes with cutting down on your usage is a reduction in your water bills. Your water bills will be based on how much water your business uses over the month. If you’re reducing the amount of water your site is using, there’s probably going to be a smaller bill coming your way at the end of the month. With some water saving techniques, there may be some upfront costs to get you going, but the reduction in your water bills is going to balance these costs and save your business money in the long run.

Conserve water resources

According to the Environment Agency, the UK could face water shortages by 2050 if businesses and households don’t start reducing their consumption. With the current climate crisis causing extreme temperatures, there’s been an increase in the number of droughts across the world. We’re seeing hotter and drier summers and while this is nice for sunbathing, it could be causing a water shortage for the future. With less water available, it’s important that everybody is doing their bit to conserve the resources we have on our planet.

A tap attached to a wall
A water dam

Save money on your energy bills

Protecting your bottom line is important in every business, so finding new ways to cut down on costs is useful. Not only does saving water cut down on your water bills, but it also cuts down on your energy bills too. If you reduce the amount of water your site is using, you’ll use less energy too. Energy is needed to move the water from reserves to your sites as well as treating it so it’s safe to use. It also can take quite a lot of energy to heat up any water you use. Therefore, if you can cut down on the amount of water your business is using, you’ll be using less energy as there will be less to heat. So, you’ll see a reduction in your energy bills and your water bills, saving your business all round.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Has your business set goals towards sustainability management? Reducing your water consumption can also help you meet those goals. It’s estimated that water usage accounts for around 6% of all carbon dioxide emissions in the UK and operational emissions from water industry account for nearly 1% of the UK’s total carbon emissions. Therefore, cutting down on the amount of water you’re using can help to reduce your carbon footprint too.

Contact us

Looking to reduce its water consumption this Water Saving Week? Flame Energy can provide total water and energy management for your business to help you reduce both your consumption and bills. We’ll work closely with you to identify any water saving opportunities to make reducing your bills even easier. Contact our team of experts today to find out more about Flame Energy’s water management services for businesses throughout the UK.

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