

What happens during a site survey?

A man in a hard hat completing a site survey

Every business is unique. Energy site surveys are the best way to establish every detail of your business’ usage to figure out exactly what you can implement to cut down on your carbon footprint and energy and water bills. But, what can you expect to happen when your business undergoes a site survey?

What is a site survey?

An energy site survey involves qualified engineers visiting your sites to take a look at all aspects of your business’ energy and water usage. We can then use this information to provide your business with bespoke advice and energy management services to help you reduce both your carbon footprint and energy bills.

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What happens during a site survey?

When you choose to undergo a site survey, we’ll first assess your current usage. We’ll look at invoices and recent bills to see if there are any emerging trends in your consumption. This can usually give an indicator for what to look out for when we visit the site. For example, if your water usage is constantly high when your business is closed, you may have a leak.

We’ll then organise for us to visit your site sometimes alongside an engineer from one of our approved suppliers. We’ll look at every aspect of the site, taking note of any meters as well as checking all the equipment on site to ensure that you’re not wasting energy and water anywhere. This will involve looking at your plumbing or insulation to identify any areas for improvement. Once we know more about your energy and water usage, we can then help your business to find the best options to help you reduce your bills and increase your sustainability.

A woman in a hard hat completing a site survey
A person in a hi vis jacket writing on a clipboard

How long does a site survey take?

The length of the survey will depend on the size of the site. For example, a 10-storey hotel will take less time than a hospital with a larger site and multiple buildings. They typically take between 30 minutes to a few hours and will have little to no disruption to your site’s operations.  

Why should my business have a site survey?

There are plenty of reasons why your business would benefit from a site survey. The two main reasons are that it can help your business to reduce your bills and your impact on the environment.

Reduces your bills

A site survey helps you to identify all the ways you can reduce your consumption. If you can cut down on your usage, you can cut down on your bills. Implementing new energy and water saving methods can have high upfront costs and these need to be considered. However, the long-term reduction in your bills often outweighs those upfront costs. This lets you benefit from reduced bills for the future.

Reduces your impact on the environment

It’s more important than ever that companies are showing their commitments to becoming more sustainable. A site survey can help your business cut down on its energy and water consumption, reducing your business’ impact on the environment. Cutting your consumption is a great way for your business to work towards your sustainability goals, showing your customers that you’re helping to protect the environment.

Contact us

Want to find new ways for your business to cut its consumption and bills? Our team of experts are on hand to provide your business with tailor made energy and water management solutions. Contact our team of experts today to learn more about how we can support your business.

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Case Studies

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The Farm Productivity grant, the Government will look to fund between £15,000 and £100,000 towards solar equipment.
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